Friday, August 21, 2015

One Step At A Time....

Hey all! Sorry that I haven't written in a long time.  I promise I am going to make more of a conscious effort to update my blog.  I know some of you are following along on my journey with me.  So for new readers and a recap for those who are following along but want a recap, I started my journey in February 2015, I was 604 lbs.  I was miserable.  I couldn't even walk to the kitchen from the couch in my apartment without being out of breath.  Honestly walking to the end of my driveway was horrible and I would be at the point of crying.  When you are inactive for as long as I was EVERYTHING hurts and your muscles start to seize up from not being used enough.  Everything at 604 lbs was a chore.  I also couldn't do basic things.  I couldn't put socks on, I couldn't put on my shoes (unless they were slip on shoes), let alone tie my shoes and this may be TMI, and I am sorry but I couldn't even shower properly and was too "proud" to admit I actually needed help.  I also couldn't wipe when I went to the bathroom properly.  I know this is disgusting but I am putting all this out there so that anyone reading in the same position can see I WENT THROUGH THIS.  But it comes down to the choice you can either 1. Stay the same way with one foot in the grave or 2. Do something about it, FIGHT.  I chose to FIGHT.

I started my journey doing small things, walking from one side of the apartment to the other.  I also started trying to portion out my food and cut down on the sweets I was eating.  I have bad days and good days, this is a journey.  I am not perfect and there are a lot of days that I get discouraged but remind myself how far I have come.  Cause.....I have lost 85 lbs in just over 6 months.  I am so happy! I am now 519 lbs.  I have a long way to go, but I have come a LONG way!

Today I walked 2.5 miles in ONE walk.  I am honestly amazed how far I have come.  Honestly I went from being out of breath walking a few feet to walking 2.5 miles!

I can't even begin to stress how important having a Fitbit Flex has been during this journey.  I have been able to push myself and achieve goals I never would have thought I could achieve.  It is awesome being able to now walk 2.5 miles in one walk, I may have to sit and rest my back for like 3 minutes at a bench on the trail however I am able to be active for almost an hour walking!

Here are my progress pictures:


As I have said I have a LONG way to go (319 lbs) more, however I have come a LONG way from where I used to be.  I am so happy that I can do everything I was not able to before.  I want to show others out there that you CAN do this.  As hard as it seems.  When I was at 604 lbs I had every excuse in the book not to exercise, or why I ate the way I ate.  I also thought I was too overweight and would never lose weight.  I felt hopeless.  But I just got to the point where I couldn`t take being 604 lbs anymore.  I didn`t want to be a burden on my fiance anymore.  I wanted to feel better.  I have tried a lot of diets and have tried losing weight before and always gave up after a month of trying.  I never kept going, this time I have kept going and I am seeing results which makes me that much more motivated to keep going or to push myself further.  Even yesterday when I was at the doctor`s office and they weighed me and I found out that I only lost 1 lb between August 5th-August 20th  I was frustrated but I am NOT giving up! The biggest thing is to keep on going, to keep moving, keep eating clean (for the most part) as I have said I am definitely NOT perfect and I do have days where I end up eating stuff I shouldn`t.  But those days are fewer and farther between than they used to be, also I find that when I do eat the bad stuff (sweets) I don`t eat as much as I used to.  I will get down to 200 lbs.  I am going to do this.  

Here is another progress picture:

I honestly feel 110% better than I did in January.  Seeing progress pictures like this motivates me and keeps me accountable.  I am also on Instagram if you want to follow along with my journey HERE
I am very lucky to have an AMAZING support system and phenomenal friends who are there for me through every step of my journey.  It really, really helps!

Just remember you CAN achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to.

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