Friday, March 14, 2014

Things I Love....

Doesn't everyone have that list of things that they cannot live without.  The things that make you smile. The the reasons you are blessed? I am a firm believer that you need to have a list of things that you love so you can look at it frequently and realize why you are so blessed. Whenever I am sad or down I always bring out this list. To remind myself how lucky I really am!
So here are just some of the things I love:

1. My Mother- My Mom is my best friend, she has always been there no matter what! She is my idol.

2. My Boyfriend- I am so lucky to have such an amazing, supportive guy in my life who loves me no matter what.

3. Good Friends- I have a couple amazing friends that have been there for me through thick or thin, my grandfather always said that you can count yourself lucky if you can count on one hand how many true friends you have.  I am lucky.  

4. Not Smoking- Quitting was the best thing I have ever done! 

5. Deciding to get a Gastric Bypass- I was always saying I would think about it and skirting the issue but actually facing how unhealthy I am and committing to quitting smoking so I can get the surgery done is a huge deal! 

6. Eating Better- I am slowly but surely trying to eat better and cut out the crap in my diet!

I am constantly adding to the list! I am a work in progress!  

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